Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Psalm 20:6 (MSG) An answer's on the way

Psalm 20:6 (The Message)
A David Psalm

6That clinches it - help's coming
      an answer's on the way,
      everything's going to work out.

There are days, and some situations, when faith and hope are hard to come by.  On those days it is hard to believe that everything that everything is going to work out.  We all have those days.  and they test our faith.  Recently, I have been able to listen to sermon radio.  One pastor, in particular (I won't name him) says that faith is about expecting positive things in your life.  Expecting that everything will work out.  He believes that if you have this expectation it will happen.  If you don't, he continues, you bring about a negativity that allows things to go wrong.  So, in that way, faith is about maintaining high expectations in the face of bad days and disappointment.

Let's be clear, I don't believe that you can will things to happen just by having a positive attitude.  Some things are just not part of God's will - as much as we'd like to believe they are.  So, our will or expectation will not have much influence in those areas.  However, I do believe the things we think impact the paths some things take.  For example, if we think people are generally good, then we will find the good in people.  If you give people a chance most people will rise to the occasion.  If you have faith that all problems can be solved, and you are patient, as well as persistent, problems will be solved.  On the flip side of that, I also believe, like Dale Carnegie, that worrying doesn't help anything, and the perfect way to conquer worry is to pray.  If you can pray, well, like Psalm 20, verse 6, says, "An answer's on the way."

Dear Lord, we know there are always days that seem like nothing can go right.  Like the world is ending.  Like there are no answers.  Show us that, in fact, help is coming.  Help us to conquer our worrying.  Show us that an answer's on the way - even if it's not the easy answer we were hoping for.  Remind us that our addiction is not the answer and won't make our problems go away.  Every now and then we all need this kind of hope.  Teach us that your plan is that everything works for good.  Then when tables are turned and we have the opportunity to share your light to someone who needs help or an answer - let us be that light.  Let us be that person who provides Your love, who provides Your answer, who helps everything work out.  In the name of Jesus, and our savior, Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Psalm 19:11-13 (MSG) Keep me from my stupid sins

Psalm 19:1-2
A David Psalm

11-13There’s more: God’s Word warns us of danger
      and directs us to hidden treasure.
Otherwise how will we find our way?
      Or know when we play the fool?
Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh!
      Keep me from stupid sins,
      from thinking I can take over your work;
Then I can start this day sun-washed,
      scrubbed clean of the grime of sin.

I have a confession to make.  I can hold a grudge.  Sometimes, it is very difficult for me to forgive.  In those situations where I find it hard to forgive I also forget to reach out to God for help.  This all came to light for me this week when I was finally able to forgive somebody at work, let's call him Andy.  For the past several months Andy had been lying, saying nasty things about my work, and saying different things in different situations.  To me he'd say one thing and to a peer he'd say the opposite.  It became very difficult to trust Andy and to be completely honest, when I thought about the things he did, I called him the devil.  One of my co-workers, who is a much better person than I, confronted Andy about his actions to understand his motivation.  He began to understand a little better what was at play.  For me though, I avoided Andy, ignored him, and talked with others behind his back.  It wasn't until this week, when I found out that Andy had decided to leave the company, that I was able to forgive him.  It was such a relief - but I believe it is something I should have been able to do earlier, had I been able to ask God for help.

Lord, I am very capable of stupid sins.  The bible is full of warnings, yet I forget and ignore those warnings.  You guide us to the true treasures in life.  Instead, in my stupidity I chase the treasures of men, and find myself focused on filling my retirement investment fund.  Thankfully, at least once a week, you help me see the err of my ways.  You give me many chances, to learn and change the way I act and improve the decisions that I make.  For this I am grateful - and I praise you.  Continue, God, to keep me from my stupid, selfish, sins.  Help me make amends for the sins that I have committed in the past.  Help me wipe the slate clean so that I can start this day, and every day, as a fresh start - with my record scrubbed clean of the grime of sin. AMEN.

Thanks for letting me share.