Saturday, May 23, 2015

Psalm 16:1-2 (MSG) Keep me safe, O God

Psalm 16:4 (The Message)
A David Song

1-2Keep me safe, O God,
      I've run for dear life to you.
I say to GOD, "Be my Lord!"
      Without you nothing makes sense.

I have long sat on Psalm 16, trying to decide what I want to write about.  There are many important values and ideas here.  Whether verse 4, not to shop for Gods, not to treat God like a brand, which I interpret to be wear God on your heart before you wear him on your clothes.  Or verse 9-11, where the psalmist writes about his happiness in all perspectives and He has set me on His path for me.  It's kind of like having to choose which commandment is the most important.

ultimately, for me, in Psalm 16, it came down to God protects us from verses 1 and 2.  There are so many things that threaten us.  War, violence, and crime threaten our safety.  Disease, pollution, and parasites threaten our health.  Of course, there is also addiction, which threatens our health, relationships, finances, and safety.  As amazingly as we are designed, with our ability to adapt and heal, we are still incredibly exposed to risk.  The natural response to these threats is to hide ourselves from these threats and shield ourselves.  The appropriate response I believe though is to show faith in God and trust that He will protect us.  For if God is with us, who will be against us, and whom then shall we fear?

Dear Lord, be with us, continue to be with us, and protect us.  Lead us down the path you have laid out for us and steer us straight when we go astray.  Deliver us from the threats in our lives, from the parasites, from the disease, and from the addiction.  In the face of war and crime let us be a light that brings hope and truth.  Give us this day, sustenance that we may be strong in the face of these threats and can be Your light.  Guide us to forgive those people who have threatened us in the past.  For we understand that it is in forgiving, that we will be forgiven.  And that it is in dying we are given Your ultimate gift of eternal life.  All these things I pray in Your name, AMEN.

Thanks for letting me share.

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