Saturday, July 25, 2015

Psalm 18:1-2 (MSG) I love you God - You make me strong

Psalm 18:1-2 (The Message)
A David Song - after he was saved from his enemies and Saul.

1-2I love you, GOD -
    you make me strong.
GOD is bedrock under my feet,
    the castle in which I live,
    my rescuing knight.
My God - the high crag
    where I run for dear life,
    hiding behind the boulders,
    safe in the granite hideout.

This week has been a good week.  One where I feel organized and "productive."  I feel strong.  This by itself is not extraordinary, what makes it unique is the hard drive on my laptop died.  In the past, this would have killed me (figuratively of course).  I would have fallen apart and blamed everything wrong in my life on the hard drive failing.  No doubt, it would have triggered me into my addiction.  Now some of the data was backed-up - and I am most happy about the pictures of my family that I retrieved from the back-up.  However, there is a good year or so of work that was lost when the drive failed.

However, with God I am stronger.  I know in the grand scheme of His plans, the data that was lost was not really significant.  I also know that there was nothing lost that can't be found elsewhere if it's truly critical.  With these thoughts I am able to let go of my worries and concerns of the lost data.  That is just part of the way I am stronger today than 5 years ago, when I started this journey.

God, thank you for making us stronger.  Thank you for blessing us as the castle's in which we live.  Thank you for being a granite hideout for us to run to.  You bring us not only strength but hope.  For all this, we love You.  Help me reflect that and let me bring the same hope and strength to others, that you have brought to me.  Especially to the addicts that still suffer and are in desperate need of hope and strength - help me be a light and a source of strength for them. All these things we pray, and praise, in your name, Hallelujah, and Amen.

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