Friday, May 20, 2011

Psalm 11 (KJV) - In the LORD I put my trust

From Psalms

Psalm 11
(For the director of music. Of David.)

1In the LORD put I my trust:
      how say ye to my soul,
      Flee as a bird to your mountain?
2For, lo, the wicked bend their bow,
      they make ready their arrow upon the string,
that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.
3If the foundations be destroyed,
      what can the righteous do?

4The LORD is in his holy temple,
      the LORD's throne is in heaven:
his eyes behold,
      his eyelids try, the children of men.
5The LORD trieth the righteous:
      but the wicked and him that loveth violence
      his soul hateth.
6Upon the wicked he shall rain
      snares, fire and brimstone,
      and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

7For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness;
      his countenance doth behold the upright.

I know this is hard to believe but there will be days that I will not have much to say about the Psalm entry.  I do find this frustrating that I am not that wise.  Nevertheless, I am grateful that I have Psalms and a God that I can pray to and a God that answers my prayers.  So, today I can say, "In the Lord I put my trust."

This is very important to me - because as a sex addict I have it a sixth sense for temptation.  Yesterday, I was driving down a road that I have never been down before and I noticed an adult bookstore.  Almost as if out of the corner of my eye.  I'm sure most people wouldn't have seen it.  Not me though, I will never miss them.  The same thing with massage parlors, which are much more discreet - since they're illegal.  Most people will not even notice them in the strip mall that they're in.  If they happen to notice them, they will not give them a second glance for the draped up, "chiropractic," "reflexology," or "accupressure" shop that the purport to be.

It is in those times that I need a God.  That I ask for his strength to keep my car going straight.  To this day, with almost 8 months of abstinence (or sobriety), somehow it is still an option in my mind that I can pull off and check it out.  However, I am determined that I will make it to 1 year and I am not going to give away my 8 months so easily.  So, I pray.  I am told by addicts with many years of recovery that our disease is persistent, almost like diabetes, and doing these things (praying, going to meetings, working the steps) will never end.  We just become better at it and  incorporate them into our lives more easily.  Like the diabetic with their insulin shots.  So, I guess I'm getting used to that fact.

Thank you for letting me share.

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