Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Psalm 30:11-12 (MSG) God, my God, I can't thank you enough

Psalm 30 (The Message)
A Psalm of David

11-12You did it: you changed wild lament
    into whirling dance;
You ripped off my black mourning band
    and decked me with wildflowers.
I’m about to burst with song;
    I can’t keep quiet about you.
God, my God,
    I can’t thank you enough.

This verse is a fitting way to follow up from the transformation discussion of Psalm 29.  The psalmist here acknowledges the changes in his life.  What was once dark has been replaced with joy and beauty.  What was painful in the past, hurts no more.  No doubt this is similar to the joy and relief of several of the breakthroughs and milestones we experience during the recovery from addiction.

Some of these breakthroughs are small, and maybe noticeable only to the addict, while other are more significant and life changing.  Whether it's the presence of sobriety, which could only be measured in minutes or hours, is now measured in days and months.  Or the absence of a spaghetti mess of lies and cover-ups.  All of these breakthroughs in recovery are miracles regardless of magnitude.  For an addict that has tried so many times and failed.  Tried without the 12 steps, tried without an Addicts Anonymous group, and most of all tried without God, and failed.  For an addict that has tried on their own and failed so many times before these breakthroughs are miracles.  Yes, we are allowed to acknowledge these breakthroughs are miracles.  We are allowed to be grateful for these miracles.  I would even go so far as to say that we are encouraged to celebrate these miracles.

Dear Lord, you have brought so many miracles into my life.  Although I am still a work in progress, in many ways I am a different person than when I started this journey several years ago.  It is nothing short of a miracle.  My life is not devoid of pain, but You have equipped me to better handle burdens and suffering.  As a result I feel more joy and my relationships are more rich.    For all this I am beyond grateful, thank you.  The experience of transformation that you have brought into my life in the past has me excited by transformation that lies ahead.  Especially, as I begin this Lenten season of cleansing, sacrifice, and transformation.  With all this excitement I celebrate.  In this celebration though I also pray for the addicts that still suffer.  I pray that my celebration may bear witness to those addicts that still suffer to Thy power, Thy love & Thy way of life.  That I may be a beggar showing them where to get bread.  That my celebration would be a light to them that guides them and gives them hope for the recovery that awaits them.  All this I pray in Jesus' name - Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Psalm 29:9 (MSG): The pelting rain strips their branches

Psalm 29:9 (The Message)
A Psalm of David

9God's thunder sets the oak trees dancing
A wild dance whirling; the pelting rain strips their branches.
We fall to our knees - we call out, "Glory"!

Psalm 29, especially the Message translation, creates some powerful imagery about transformation.  A thunderstorm so powerful that the thunder shakes the mighty oaks, lightning smashes the solid cedars, and rain so heavy it actually rips the bark right off of the trees.  On initial inspection this might sound like a picture of ruin or possibly disaster.  Then we remember what transformation is...transformation is the act of sacrificing who I am today in order to become the person I am meant to be.

This psalm is, in many ways, a metaphor for the transformation we experience in recovery.  The painful process of pealing away of the facades that we created in our addiction.  The shaking of the very foundation of our beliefs and lives.  All this, as the last verse states, so God can make his people strong, and give his people peace.  The Angels cheer in the first verse, "Encore, Encore" not because they are mischievous, but because they know the beauty, and glory, that this transformation can bring.

Dear Lord, I am not perfect.  I am not even living close to my potential.  However, I have seen your transformative power in my recovery from addiction.  You have been able to help me remove the lies from my life and given me courage to do and say things I was not capable of before.  Still there is more work to be done and more transformation to work through.  I am ready for storms and tests of this transformation.  Please continue to bring the transformation to my life.  That I may leave the life of my addiction, all aspects of it, in the past...where it belongs.  That I may replace a life of addiction with a life serving as an instrument of your peace.  As I pray here I realize I am not alone in my struggle against addiction.  Opioid addiction is ravaging the lives of good people.  Be with the addicts that still suffer and the innocent people who love them.  Show them there that You have another plan for them.   A plan of transformation that will bring them out of their addiction stronger and better than before.  All this I pray in Your name - Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Psalm 28:6-7 (MSG) I'm shouting and singing my thanks to God

Psalm 28:6-7 (The Message)
A David Psalm

6-7Blessed be God -
      he heard me praying.
He proved he's on my side;
      I've thrown my lot in with him.

Now I'm jumping for joy,
      and shouting and singing my thanks to him.

Yesterday, my wife and I were discussing a friend who was involved in a terrible accident.  In the moment, I was struck but what a gift every day is.  What a gift we have in every moment that we have with our loved ones.  Even though, in these moments we understand the magnitude of these gifts it is all too common that after some time we tend to take these gifts for granted.  The daily, instead of becoming a gift, becomes routine.

There is a way to turn the tide on this attitude of the routine, the accepted, and the mundane.  The first step is daily reminders of the gifts we are given.  This is in daily time with God, whether in prayer or meditation, or something similar.  Something, and some time, that should help us make that connection with our higher power.  The second step is in gratitude.  Taking no moment or experience for granted.  Making use of every minute.  Share emotions and thoughts to let people know you care.  And, it should go without saying, thank God.  Do it loudly.  Thank him Joyfully...Shouting...Singing - just like it says in Psalm 28 above.  Taking these steps will start to turn the tide on your attitude and in your life's path.  At least, that's what I've found.

Dear Lord, this is the day that you have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Thank you for this day.  Please help me use it to be an instrument of your peace - that I would bring light where there is darkness.  All to often, I take these gifts, of yours, for granted.  I become distracted from what is truly important and don't use these gifts fully.  Today, I will make a more conscious effort to recognize the great opportunities that this day presents and show my gratitude by making the most of this day.  I will also show my gratitude with a joyful and positive attitude - showing that God has answered my prayers.  For I am sober and free of my addictions and that is reason enough to be joyful.  Of course, God, I pray that you be with those who struggle with addiction - guide them to a place where they may see that recovery, in your word, is possible.  I pray that you may answer their prayers the same you answered mine.  It is all these things I pray, in the name of your son and our savior, Jesus Christ, AMEN.

Thanks for letting me share.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Psalm 27:4 (MSG) I'm asking God for one thing, only one thing

Psalm 27:4 (The Message)
A David Psalm

4I’m asking God for one thing,
    only one thing:
To live with him in his house
    my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
    I’ll study at his feet.

It just so happens that I attended a memorial service yesterday for a friend and in that service they read from Psalm 27.  The fact that it was Psalm 27, of all bible verses, and even of all the psalms, was a reminder from God that I needed to get back to studying at his feet.

There is nothing like the passing of a friend (especially one who seems to be too young and too vibrant to be called back to God) to frame the fragility of life and how valuable every minute we have on earth is.  To remind us how important it is to make sure the ones we love know how important they are to us.  Or to understand how important it is that every day be used for doing God's work in our lives.

So, it is in this frame of mind that at the end of my life I hope that I can look back and say that I have lived, with him, in his house, my whole life long.  For I know that true peace has come while studying the Psalms, at his feet, removed from the buzz and noise of the world.  For as Psalm 27 tells us when God is at my side I have nothing to fear.  That is the nature of the peace studying at his feet.

Dear Lord, I ask one thing, only one thing, to live with you in your house my whole life.  That I may, in spite of the noise and busy-ness that this world presents, that I may continue to find refuge in your peace.  In finding this peace that I can share it with others, and be instrument of your peace.  That I may emulate Jesus, and many others, who have brought calm in the face of terror and evil.  That I would bring faith in the face of doubt.  That I would seek not so much to be understood, as to understand.  At this time be with all of us who mourn for the recent loss of a brother or sister.  Help us, and comfort us, in the understanding of the peace that you have given those who you have called back.  As I often do, be with the addicts who still suffer, help them understand the transformative power you hold.  That despite the limited time we have everything is possible, even recovery of the worst addiction.  All of these things I pray in Jesus' name - Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Psalm 26:2 (MSG): Examine Me God, From Head To Foot

Psalm 26:2 (The Message)
A David Psalm

2Examine me, GOD, From Head to Foot,
      order your battery of tests.
Make sure I'm fit
      inside and out

How cool would it be if we could get a "spiritual" - I'm thinking along the lines of an annual physical a family doctor would give.  Instead of checking your body, would check your heart, your soul.  Instead of checking say blood pressure, maybe there would be a check for generosity or sacrifice.  Instead of a check for cholesterol...maybe, a check for sinful thoughts?  Too crazy?  Hopefully, the prescription would me more prayer instead of more pills.

At least there'd finally be a way to measure how we're doing in Gods eyes.  We could get feedback to see where we're doing well or maybe where we need to make appropriate changes.  In the same way we make changes to diet after our annual physical shows high blood sugar or high cholesterol.  Maybe the feedback from God would be, "You've been too self-centered..," or " need more time in church..." or "...I expect you to be more generous with your gifts."  Or maybe...we know in our hearts and conscience what God would tell us if he were to "examine" us from head to foot.  But maybe it would be more critical if it came in the form an "spiritual" - we would take the change we need to make more seriously, and with higher priority.

Dear God, examine me from head to foot.  Today, I ask that You help me to see myself through Your eyes, from Your perspective.  Run a battery of tests on my soul and guide me to live the life You have planned for me.  That I may praise You - and give credit where I see Your hand in my life.  That I may follow, truly follow, in Your son Jesus' path.  That I may willingly sacrifice and be the light where there is darkness.  That I may show others there are ways out of addiction.  That although life me be complicated and, at times, overwhelming, that there are other tools to cope, other than drugs, alcohol, or sex.  That I may show that there is help if, and when, you are willing to ask.  All these things I ask in Your name, amen.

Thanks for letting me share.