Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lent Day 19

I happen to be reading a book about finding meaning and fulfillment in life, called Man's Search For Meaning.  It's written by Viktor Frankl, a jewish psychiatrist who survived the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.  The first half of the book outlines his experience in the Nazi concentration camps.  This experience gives a very personal account of he how found, and helped others find, hope, optimism, and reason in such an incredibly severe situation.  The second half uses his research and published work to support these experiences.  In his research, he wrote of, "the self transcendence of human existence."  He clarifies this as, "the fact that being human always something or someone other than oneself.  The more one forgets himself - by giving himself to a cause to serve another person to love - the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself."  Now I'm not sure if Viktor was aware of The Prayer of St. Francis - but it certainly fits, and supports the theme of today's prayer of St. Francis.

Today's Focus: According to "Treasures," a faith based outreach and support group for women in the sex industry, there are more women employed in the sex industry now than any other time in history.  In 2006, the sex and porn industry in the US generated $13 billion - world wide it generated more than $97 billion dollars.  This is possible, in part, because over $3,000 is spent on pornography every second.  More appalling than these numbers is that 89% of women in the sex industry want out but have no other means of survival.  We can help end the sex industry we all need to admit our role, as a patron or as a passive bystander, and make a positive change to help end this.

Today's Positive Action:  Learn more about the sex industry - although I am not affliliated with Treasures, Treasures has a list of books and movies that can help you become more aware of how pervasive and devastating the sex industry is.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, let me sow pardon;
Where there is doubt, let me sow faith;
Where there is despair, let me sow hope;
Where there is darkness, let me sow light. and 
Where these is sadness, let me sow joy.

O divine master, grant that I not so much 
seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand; 
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Thanks for letting me share.

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