Friday, March 7, 2014

Lent Day 3

Things are still going fairly smoothly.  Day 3 and my cravings for my addictions are at bay and still fairly manageable.  It has been helping that I've been listening to the Catholic channel on XM Radio and they talk a lot about Lent, the spirit of Lent, sacrificing and fasting.  Even though I'm not a Catholic it's helps to know that I'm making this journey of sacrifice with others out there.

Today's Positive Action: Be grateful.  Have an attitude of gratitude.  When things go wrong, or there is adversity and you find yourself asking, "Why me?"  instead ask, "Why not me?"  Often we miss opportunity because it comes disguised as hard work.

Today's Focus: Drug addiction is the most notorious of addictions.  Since drugs and drug use are glamorized in the media, in TV shows (breaking bad?), movies, and the news it brings a sense of adventure and, well, glamour to drug use.  Unfortunately, as many addicts find out, there's nothing glamorous about the addiction.  Drug addiction is unique in the way it kills.  Other addictions generally kill their addicts through the side effects of the use - by creating cancer, liver or heart disease, etc.  Although that happens with drugs, too, drug addiction also kills from the actual use - in the overdose.  Just as with all addictions, the addict knows and understands the risk but the addiction overrides logic and ignores the risk for the short-term pleasure.  This study shows that 70% of high school parents are concerned about their child(ren)'s use of prescription drugs.  Thankfully, in keeping with a grateful attitude, this study also shows, parents now have tools to be aware of and to fight drug addiction where it starts, in a persons teen years.

Thank you, Lord, for giving us this opportunity to share our experience in recovery from addiction.  That we can show others who, like us, struggle with addiction that You are the answer to that battle.  Thank You that You built in us what You needed.  Thank You that You relieved us of the bondage self.  Thank You that You continue to take away our difficulties of addiction.  That victory over our difficulties may bear witness to those we would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.  May we do Thy Will always.  Today we ask you be with the siblings of those that have been killed by drugs.  We are aware of their unique perspective.  That they are generally closer to the downward spiral that ends up taking their brother or sister.  Help them learn from the experience and remove drugs and addiction from their lives and, with hope, create a place for You, Lord.  Continue to give them strength that they can share their story, that they may teach others the dangers of drugs and drug addiction.  In Your name we are grateful.  Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

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