Monday, March 9, 2015

Psalm 10:14 (MSG) But you know all about it...You won't let them down

Psalm 10:14 (The Message)

14But you know all about it-
      the contempt, the abuse.
I dare to believe that the luckless
      will get lucky someday in you.
You won't let them down:
      orphans won't be orphans forever.

There will be days that we feel like God has deserted us.  Things will go wrong.  We will experience pain.  We all have those days.  It is in those days that we are tested.  It will be tempting to quench the sting of our pain with our addiction.  It will be important though that we maintain our faith in our higher power, in God.

Maintaining faith in the face of pain or disappointment is one of the hardest things to learn.  For me, it's about remembering past experiences where things have turned around.  When things have gone from unsalvageable to being truly good.  Sometimes those turnarounds are slow, and sometimes they seem immediate.  Often the change comes in situations where I least expect it.  So, I've learned to look at all of my options.  I try not to be surprised when the turn-around happens.  Although, I still seem to be surprised when it does happen.

Dear Lord, thank you for blessings.  Thank you for making the luckless lucky.  Thank you for giving families to the orphans.  Thank you for turning lives and situations around.  Help us to maintain our faith and positive attitude in the face of disappointment, loss, and pain.  Keep hope alive in us at all times as a demonstration of our faith in You.  Let us hold your light in times of darkness.  Where there is doubt, let us sow faith.  Where there is despair, let us be able to bring hope.  Grant that I not so much seek to be understood as to understand.  For it is in giving that we shall receive, and in forgiving that we are forgiven.  All this I pray in the name of Your son, and my savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

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