Saturday, March 21, 2015

Psalm 14:4 (MSG) Treating people like a fast food meal

Psalm 14:4 (The Message)
A David Psalm

4Don't they know anything,
      all of these impostors?
Don't they know
      they can't get away with this -
Treating people like a fast food meal
      over which they are too busy to pray?

I struggled with this psalm today.  After going through several of the verses I finally decided on verse 4 as having the most meaning to my recovery.  In particular, for line about eating up "people like a fast food meal."  Our society teaches us we can treat people like objects or statistics.  People have become target markets, eyes on a website, and demographics of liberals and conservatives part of red and blue states.  So, it should not come as a surprise when we feel like we are objectified.  This, to me, is one of the saddest things of what our society has come to.

We've lost the stories of the people.  Everyone of us has a story, which is comprised of many many smaller stories.  These stories are God's plan for us and every one of them is unique and important.  Some are tales of adventure while others are stories of persistence and perseverance.  Yet, we disregard those of others while we try to make our own seem more important.  We have to stop this, stop treating people like fast food meals.  We need to listen to other people's stories and treat them with the dignity they deserve, as another one of God's children.  For it will require that we start doing this, ourselves, can we expect that others will do it as well.  Only then will we start to see a difference in the way society views people - not as statistics but as individual children of God.

Dear Lord, be with us today as we do more to value our brothers and sisters.  Help us to make time and put away our distractions so we can focus on their stories.  For we know that hearing these stories will bring understanding.  Understanding then creates bonds of respect and friendship.  This respect and these friendships are part of your light - and through your light we will have peace.  This message of peace, after all, is the message Jesus that we celebrate every year at Christmas.  Help us spread and celebrate this message of peace, by sharing stories, especially now in this time of lent.  Through this let us, at the same time, experience your peace and bring your peace to others.  For you have taught us that it is only in giving that we shall receive.  All this we pray in your name.  Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

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