Monday, March 16, 2015

Psalm 13:3 (MSG) I want to look life in the eye

Psalm 13:3  (The Message)
A David Psalm

3Take a good look at me, GOD, my God;
      I want to look life in the eye

It takes courage to look life in the eye.  Often courage that I'm not sure that I have.  Courage to take risks.  Courage to take responsibility.  Courage to be honest to tell people things they don't want to hear.  Sometimes I think if I only could have more courage my recovery would be easier.  I guess that's true, part of the journey of recovery is becoming stronger, and finding courage in situations where hid before.  So today I will pray that my recovery will help me find the courage that I need.

Dear Lord be with us give us the courage and strength we need to successful in our recovery.  The change we face in recovery is hard.  There are times when I am ready to sleep but I know I need to be strong to face the challenge of the situation.  Be with me at that time that I may look life in the eye and face the challenge.  There are times when I am in distress and my mind is racing.  Be with me at that time to calm my mind and bring me peace, that I may look life in the eye.  I pray that you will do this for all my brothers and sisters in recovery.  Whether they are just starting the journey of recovery or 10 years into the recovery, we all need your support.  All this we pray in your name, Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

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