Saturday, January 7, 2012

Psalm 70 (KJV): Let those that seek you rejoice

From Psalms

Psalm 70 (KJV)
(For the director of music.  Of David.  A petition.)

2Let them be ashamed and confounded
      that seek after my soul:
let them be turned backward,
      and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.
3Let them be turned back for a reward
      of their shame that say, Aha, aha.
4Let all those that seek thee
      rejoice and be glad in thee:
and let such as love thy salvation say continually,
      Let God be magnified.

5But I am poor and needy:
      make haste unto me, O God:
thou art my help and my deliverer;
      O LORD, make no tarrying.

Save me, O God.  I must cry out this prayer everyday.  At least that's what it feels like.  And for the past (nearly) 15 months I've seen the Lord answer those prayers.  He doesn't always answer them right away - no we need to show patience and faith.  He doesn't always answer them with what we would expect - but he does answer with what he knows we need.  And so, for those of us that seek the Lord, let us rejoice in his grace and his salvation.

As well, today I would like to pray for the addicts that don't yet know how to find recovery.  Those that haven't found salvation in God - and don't yet know how to seek Him.

Lord, please also help those who those who still suffer from alcoholism and addiction.  Those that need to be saved by you but don't yet seek you - or know where or how to seek you.  Be with them and guide them.  Work in their lives as you worked in ours.  Make haste, and save them before they destroy their life and the lives around them.  Amen.

Thanks for letting me share.

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